Friday, September 28, 2007

longest photoblog EVER

I know you have all been on the edge of your seats waiting for this, so without further ado, I present you: Vegas 2007. I deleted the incriminating photos. And there were many.


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Janelle and I kickstarting the party at Norman Mineta Airport. Yes, we are drunk. And yes, my toothpaste and jam were taken from me at the baggage check.

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Taken from the balcony of the first room we had at the majestic Imperial Palace. There were bloodstains on the pavement 9 floors down, and macaws on everything from the bedspread to the wall trim. Thankfully, not 5 minutes into check-in, our toilet overflowed and we were sent to the much plushier 7th floor.

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Is the fuzziness of this picture due to the fact that we were taking it with drunken, unsteady hands? Could be. I don’t remember taking it but it was at the Outback for our first Vegas meal. By the end of dinner I was drinking Long Island Iced Teas. This was a mistake.

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As was this. Janelle started ransacking the unwanted potato skins on my plate and this illustrates the regret she felt after her barbaric acts.

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I don’t remember why Janelle was posing like this, but the main point is I caught it on camera.

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At Casino Royale after dinner. Drinks flowed freely, as you can tell.

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The biting trend continued all weekend. I love this picture because it looks like we are all in a different place as far as levels of drunkenness.

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Dogs bite.

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I can’t not laugh every time I see Maria in this picture.

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And the biting continues…

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I think this was the picture that spawned Brian and I to notice how calm Janelle looks in every shot, despite the mayhem that goes on in the rest of the frame. I don’t know why this is, since Andy was feeding Tokyo drinks like they were going out of style.

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But then I saw this in my camera and that theory goes to shit.

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I like Janessa’s candid happiness/drunkenness.

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Huggies for all!

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Me and baby.

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Josh was attacked at some point in the night.

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and it goes on like this…

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Don’t remember taking this!

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I like this picture of Janess and Laura because you can tell either a) they’re having fun or b) they’re tossed. Or a combo of both.

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Back to more Josh love.

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Ryan and Josh enjoying the evening.

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Maria getting in on the action.

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Me and baby.

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Brian is the drunken cherry on top.

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I don’t understand the correlation between alcoholic beverages consumed and inability to keep mouth closed, but I like it.

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Little known fact: Josh’s face tastes like chocolate.

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Somehow, amid all the chaos, Carol and Laura managed to win some money.

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Somehow we managed to stumble to Tao (which after searching Google I discovered/remembered was at the Venetian) after Casino Royale. Here’s what we had to talk to in order to rest our weary feet.

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This isn’t what it looks like. Ok, so maybe it is.

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Me and Janelle at Tao.

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Asked some guy to take these.

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Was probably a mistake.


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We foolishly decided to try the famed Imperial Palace buffet the next morning. Here’s Janessa hiding from the camera.

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And here’s Brian not hiding. He is expressing what we all felt in our stomachs moments after finishing lunch.

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I decided I was going to try to capture Janelle with a mouthful of something to document every meal. That ambitious goal was abandoned immediately after this picture.

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Extreme tiger pics! He lives at the Mirage.

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Janessa was able to showcase her love for Lenny Briscoe forever in digital perfection.

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In Maria’s room before the bachelorette party.

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I was late to board the biting train.

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Me and Allison.

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Brian and Dave met us at the Geisha bar to show off what they had done during boy’s day off. We’re so proud.

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Now we see where Maria gets her cuteness. How many mothers and aunts can really party with the best of them?

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Right before we left the Double Down.

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How we got to sit at Pure. Whoring ourselves for seating is what we do best!


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Janelle says, “Hurray for Day Three and no pregnancies!”

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Shortly before being shooed away from the front gates of the restaurant where Janelle was playing in the decoration bucket.

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We spent an hour at least looking at ourselves in the mirror over Brian and Janessa’s bed. Here’s a mess-up.

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and another mistake…

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and finally we got a picture where none of us was all fuzzy due to overexposure. If you didn’t realize how vain we all were, well, here’s your proof.

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Janessa and Brian about to get dirrrrty in the luv tub.

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Here we are later that night at the Shadow Bar. We sat for an hour staring at women behind an illuminated wall. Who knew nipples could get so hard?

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Still at the Shadow Bar. We went to Pure later, but going with a guy sucks out all the free sitting.


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And now as a special surprise, this is what I was treated to on the second day of our trip when I went into the bathroom to release the buffet. I laughed so hard I almost had an accident.
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Janelle and I used to hide Ciana at the old apartment. It was always a highly anticipated event, but after kind of getting tired of it as we often do after months of doing a thing, I forgot all about her. Until Vegas. What a trip it was.