Tuesday, April 15, 2008

so that’s what 100 calories looks like

I'm all for America becoming healthier, cause god knows there are enough panting and overweight children flaunting their bellies in the taco bell line. But at the same time, I think there's a fine line between promoting a healthy attitude towards keeping your body alive and functioning properly, and inspiring teenage girls everywhere to watch their weight obsessively to the point where they won't eat a carbohydrate without running to the bathroom afterwards.

I was at Safeway a couple weeks ago and next to the overwhelming selection of lays, ruffles, doritos, and lard-based fried animal skins, I saw this whole area of 100-calorie sized snacks. Interesting. They were on sale, and since I can't resist a sale and tiny little packaging, I bought the cheez-it party mix snacks and then promptly forgot about them in my cupboard. Until today, when I hungrily ripped the bag open because I've been so flippin busy at work that I haven't had time to eat my proper breakfast of peanut butter toast and yogurt. Now, I knew the portions would be small because the bag is roughly the size of my palm plus the first half of my fingers. But oh the disappointment when i learned what 100 calories would get me. I know I'm a pig but seriously, Sunshine Biscuits, LLC? Seriously? I dont' know what's worse, that it took me about a minute to eat my 100 calorie allotment, or that I could easily polish off all 6 bags that came in the package without a second thought. And do, when I buy the manly sized cheez-it party mix bag in the value section.

Lesson learned: I will no longer be fooled by the cute tiny packages and the lure of eating only enough to sustain my bodily organs. Nothing less than 400 calories at a time is passing through these lips.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

if you can't enjoy a midweek drink...

So far, so good. My week began like this:

and then continued like this:

I really need to get back into the hang of pickling my liver on random weeknights. I used to be so good at it, but apparently it’s a lot like riding a bike.