Tuesday, May 29, 2007

and to think, I never took a psychology class...

This weekend was fun. Aside from Friday, which I spent at school for ten hours working on the jacket I have to spend at least two more hours on tonight to finish, I feel like I really maximized my Memorial vacation. How could I not have when I have a full torso body burn to prove that I was out enjoying the sun? It's actually quite painful and it hurts when I move, but it was well worth the fact that I was able to spend three days by the ocean this week. A dead bird, several live birds, two baby chihuahas, some dead jellyfish, and lots of seals are just a small sampling of the fauna I experienced this weekend. It was great. Getting up this morning to go to work was really quite upsetting, especially since sleep was almost impossible last night due to the fact that every tiny movement sloughed off skin. This is my punishment for living in Maine for four years right up next to the bottom level of atmosphere and losing my natural ability to tan. I deserve it.

Last week something triggered the astute observation/reflection on a relationship phenomena that I have been noticing more often as of late: unattractive people move faster in relationships than their attractive counterparts. Why is this, you ask? Well I have a theory. I have long said that there's someone for everyone. Granted, I usually say this in response to having just passed a particularly unsavory couple in an effort to cheer up an unattached friend, providing evidence that he/she is at least more desirable than either of that pair. But I still believe it.

However, I have also been known to preach/educate about the "league" system, as in, some people are either above or below other's leagues. If and when someone does get lucky enough to become involved with a person of a higher league, there are usually complications and jealousy, which you don't have if you just stay within your league. But I digress. The phenomena at hand is that, as you get to the lower leagues, (tee-ball, as Janelle refers to it) not only are there fewer complications, it seems like there is a mad dash to get and stay connected. Neither party wants to rock the boat and risk never landing another person willing to take off their clothes in their presence again. So, these relationships inevitably rush forward at warp speed, resulting in marriages within months or even weeks of dating, whereas those in the "higher" leagues take their time to make sure that this person is really deserving of being the last of the long line of people willing to get naked before them.

I didn't ask to be this brilliant, people. I just call 'em like I see 'em. As I am getting older and more of my acquaintances are hooking up, seemingly for good, I'm noticing this pattern and I feel it necessary to comment, because I just can't keep my mouth shut. And now I will leave you with a self-portrait, inspired by Laura.

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