Monday, May 19, 2008

bloody scabs: the new fashion "do"

Last Wednesday, I got home from work, changed out of my work clothes, and set out determinedly on my walk for Sheba's fitness. I didn't realize till halfway into the walk that the shoes I had decided to wear (without socks)were slowly but surely eroding the skin on both of my ankles, as well as the sides of my pinky toes. By the time I got back to my apartment, I was alternating limping/toe stepping like a circus freak and my ankles were openly bleeding. This was bad enough, but since it was so flippin hot last week, I also spent the remainder of the workweek in heels, covering every possible inch of my tender anklemeats with band-aids that refused to stick. This resulted in further gashing the open wounds, and now I look like someone took a butter knife to my heels.

I wish I could wear flip flops to work.

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