I was at Safeway a couple weeks ago and next to the overwhelming selection of lays, ruffles, doritos, and lard-based fried animal skins, I saw this whole area of 100-calorie sized snacks. Interesting. They were on sale, and since I can't resist a sale and tiny little packaging, I bought the cheez-it party mix snacks and then promptly forgot about them in my cupboard. Until today, when I hungrily ripped the bag open because I've been so flippin busy at work that I haven't had time to eat my proper breakfast of peanut butter toast and yogurt. Now, I knew the portions would be small because the bag is roughly the size of my palm plus the first half of my fingers. But oh the disappointment when i learned what 100 calories would get me. I know I'm a pig but seriously, Sunshine Biscuits, LLC? Seriously? I dont' know what's worse, that it took me about a minute to eat my 100 calorie allotment, or that I could easily polish off all 6 bags that came in the package without a second thought. And do, when I buy the manly sized cheez-it party mix bag in the value section.
Lesson learned: I will no longer be fooled by the cute tiny packages and the lure of eating only enough to sustain my bodily organs. Nothing less than 400 calories at a time is passing through these lips.