Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Resolutions for the New Year and other ways to feel like a failure by January 2nd

I've never really made New Year's Resolutions, (at least never with the intention of keeping them) preferring instead in past years to live through the ultimate failures of others'. Most people I know resolve to start working out in the New Year, figuring that for some reason once the dawn breaks Jan 1, they will open their bloodshot eyes after a few hours of drunken sleep and be able to resist the urge that had gotten the better of them the past 365 days and exercise rather than sleeping in and eating ho-hos for breakfast. This resolution only results in inevitable disappointment, because really the new year is no different than the last one and a new stretch of 12 months ahead of you doesn't take away the fact that you are a lazy slob. This, however, doesn't stop people from buying gym memberships and crowding my weekly yoga and spinning classes for the first few weeks of the year. Without fail though, by February everything is back to normal, restoring my faith in man's inability to stick with it.

This year I think I will try out a few resolutions that I'm pretty sure I can keep. This will not only boost my confidence and ability to follow through, but will make me look better than everyone else when, come February, I am still riding high on my accomplishments.

My New Year's Resolutions, 2009 Edition

1. I will slowly stop working out and will let the fat resume its hold of my ass and thighs.
2. I will eat more beef.
3. I will squander my paychecks on items I can't account for later and will barely be able to make my rent payments with the balance.
4. I will be more anxious.
5. I will spend at least one hour of every day wasting my life away.
6. I will not pursue a more financially rewarding career.
7. I will purchase more fabric and stow it away in various places in my closet, vowing to sew "projects" that will never get completed.
8. I will incorporate cheese into at least 85% of my weekly food intake.
9. I will not have a nice round number of resolutions.

Already I am ahead! 2009 is promising to be a very good year.

Hope everyone has a happy and safe New Year's Eve. After this we've got at least six weeks of no holidays. Adios, 2008!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

end of november to remember (in bits and pieces)

A week late, but here are some pictures taken from the second annual Thanksgiving 2 at Dave’s house. Or maybe there were more than two but that’s how many I’ve attended. Most of these pictures I remember taking, but things started getting a little fuzzy towards the end there.

So let it begin…

The first shot of the night: the host (Dave) and Hector, relaxing while all the guests filtered in.

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Hector and I before dinner…but not before I had a couple glasses of wine.

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Erica being cute.

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Dave and Brian, then Dave, Erica and Brian on the couch.

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Janessa and Erica taking a picture, while I take a picture of them. Always delightful and flattering.

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Not sure when these were taken so I’ll just put ‘em here:

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Me and the baby.

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Taken during dinner…

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Taken after dinner (I think)

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And here’s where I started to lose time.

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We danced to “Sandstorm” for the entire song. I don’t know how it started, or why, but I do know that it would have been extremely embarrassing if I could remember it. For some reason, dancing in a living room to the shock and horror of friends is always a good idea after a bottle of wine.

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It’s a shame Thanksgiving is but once a year. Thank God there’s December to help ease the pain.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

flat turnovers, and the good luck continues

I said bunny rabbit yesterday. So why is the second day of my good-luck month already filled with disappointment and shame?

I actually remembered to say it this month, after maybe 6 months of forgetting to, before saying anything else like "Look, I'm still alive!" or "Hector, please tell me that's Sheba's nose between my butt cheeks" first thing upon waking up every first of the month. Because everyone knows that speaking anything before "Bunny Rabbit" on that day will ruin your chances of happiness and fortune for the month. Or so my mother tells me. But although I said it, I certainly don't feel any luckier yet.

For example, if this is going to be a good month, then why did Sheba take a crap on my kitchen table? Why, instead of getting over my cold, does my head seem to be filling up with more mucus than my body should be able to produce at an alarming rate which makes my voice sound like Gus Gus on Disney's Cinderella? Why were all the treadmills taken last night at the gym? Why did the free pastries and coffee this morning induce horrid cramping and several restroom trips, on top of the ones already caused by the pains in my ovaries? And why, after eagerly microwaving my leftover mushroom turnovers for a pre-lunch, post-breakfast treat, did I open the door to discover 5 tiny flattened crescents with soggy crusts?

I know in the grand scheme of things, this isn't as bad as, say, getting trampled to death at Wal Mart on Black Friday, but sometimes these little injuries add up.

I guess things could be worse. I could be Sheba.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

life's a pretty sweet fruit...

...but not this week.

I've been feeling under the weather this week, which has made me sluggish and a little slow on the uptake. It's worked out ok so far, since I left early yesterday and only worked half-day on Monday. But things are definitely not right. My brain is fuzzy and I'm pretty sure I ate moldy muffins this morning. I can't wait for this afternoon when the most adventurous I plan on being is when I dress Sheba up in her reindeer costume and make her pose by the christmas tree, snapping pictures like my life depends on it while she quivers in fear and tries to scrape her antlers off on the floor.

An example of my week thus far:
An hour ago, I noticed a large-ish spider crawling up my left cubicle wall. I immediately grabbed my stapler, came up behind it, and smashed it within an inch of its life. Unfortunately, I had my pinky under the business end of the stapler as I smashed, and in the process of killing my enemy, I managed to get about half an inch of staple lodged straight into the fatty part of my poor pinky.

As I pulled it out and unleashed the bloodstorm, I couldn't help but gloat in my pain. Sure, I may have foolishly punctured myself with the Swingline Professional Plus Series, but that same staple would have killed a lesser being. Such as the spider. So I win.

= 1

= 1

= 0 = 0

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Pamela, heal thyself

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Monday, November 10, 2008

ernie and bert...tight skirt

Saturday night, Laura and I went to see the Faint at the Warfield in SF. Laura had never really listened to their music so she didn't know what she was getting herself into, but we were both in for a surprise when the second opener turned out to be Kool Keith, accompanied by MC Ultra and DJ Doom. Um. Correct me if I'm wrong, but they primarily dabble in the "Rap" genre, yes? And the Faint is generally classified as new wave/dance punk/electronica-ish? The two go together like gum and peanuts (together at last!) and it was extremely apparent when almost immediately the high-energy vibe of the crowd turned to "wtf?" and then "seriously?" followed by "oh my god what the hell must have happened to the real second act for these guys to get sent out here?" Hands that were in the air like they just didn't care slowly lowered, and the number of standing members of the audience dwindled to just a solo white girl attempting to "get down" all by herself.

Laura and I just laughed throughout their entire 45 minute set.

Honest to god lyrics and smooth harmony:
MC Ultra: "Ernie and Bert! Tight skirt!"
Kool Keith: "Uh! ... Uh! ... Yeah!"

Other subject matter for the set were the story of How the First Album Was Stolen and then Abandoned... Newer, Better Album is Born, and We Like Sex. A Lot. And then we were lectured for 5 minutes on the importance of wearing condoms. Worst. Openers. Ever. But, they did make the eventual appearance of The Faint all that much more titillating, so keep on rockin', guys!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Post #100, holy shit it's Election Day

So...today's the big day. I voted this morning at 7AM, did you? You better have. And right away, I was scared. Why? Because the volunteers running the polling place didn't exactly instill confidence in me that the most important job they're not getting paid for of their lives was going to be carried out successfully. As I was waiting in line in the freezing cold for half an hour, I had ample time to read the rules and rights we voters have. So, when I was finally inside, and a young-ish woman went up next to me as I was receiving my ballot explaining that she had made a mistake and could she please have another ballot, I knew this was within her rights to get it. However, the white-haired retiree who she was facing did not seem to have read that bulletin on the teacher's lounge wall. She took the ballot and immediately began screeching, "What do I do? This young woman's spoiled her ballot. SPOILED IT! What to do??" Finally, one of the other workers explained that she was to allowed to mess up three times (sweet jesus) before she could finally be denied a replacement ballot. Fine. The poor embarrassed woman walked off with her unspoiled ballot, presumably to go sit for another ten minutes making damn sure she didn't write outside the lines again. But that wasn't the worst. When I went back to drop off my ballot, the same confused volunteer was now shrieking because she could not find that "spoiled" ballot. Mother of God. This is probably happening all over the country.

I'm gonna need a drink tonight to calm my nerves as I attempt to track the results without TV. This election has become kind of a beacon of hope for a lot of people, and while a change in the White House may not do all that we want it to, at least it would be a start. I really think one of the most important outcomes, should Obama win, would be the restoration of at least an iota of respect for America overseas. And that is huge. Cause in case you haven't noticed people, we have no credibility in other countries. I know there's nothing I can do to stop whatever's going to happen at this point, but I'm more than a little afraid. Because clearly we can't trust people to make the right decisions, or to use reason or good judgment, and that's frightening.

But hey, Krispy Kreme is giving away free donuts in the shape of stars today. So if McCain does win, I can always start in on the diabetes. And follow it up with a nice helping of ice cream, courtesy of Ben & Jerry's.

Monday, November 3, 2008

rock the vote...but only if you're gonna rock it my way

WARNING: Things are about to get political.

So tomorrow is Election Day, and usually I am pretty apathetic about things like exercising the right granted to me by the 19th amendment, mostly because of my increasingly cynical world view, but also because I live in a state overwhelmingly supportive of the candidate I would vote for anyway. During the first election I was eligible to vote, my philosophy was that my vote would be canceled by my boyfriend at the time’s anyway, so if neither of us got off our asses then the scales would remain in balance. After voting for the first time 4 years ago, the election turned out so f-ed up that I vowed never to vote again, reason being if you had enough money and power you could override the system to suit your needs and my vote made not one bit of difference.


This time, regardless of the fact that California’s electoral votes are going to Obama whether I vote or not, notwithstanding my severe reservations that anything can save our country from the downward, self-destructing spiral we’ve been in for the past 7 years, and despite the possibility that I am setting myself up for major disappointment yet again, I am going to vote tomorrow because damned if I am going to say I did nothing to prevent the country I live in (for now, we’ll see what happens after tomorrow) from being handed over to a near-senile old man and his psychobitch running mate. For the first time, I feel like even if I don’t get the results I want, if I do nothing to affect the outcome either way, I will be a useless turd and will have no right to complain when I’m standing in line for my watered-down cabbage soup next year.

Another reason I am voting tomorrow is to attempt to prevent California from making the mistake of becoming a bigoted asshole like the Midwest. I can’t believe Proposition 8 has even made it on the ballot, let alone that it may actually pass. To attempt to force one’s views on another is what I thought this country was against in the most basic of principles? I don’t care if you don’t believe that two people of the same sex should be married, what gives you the right to make other people adhere to your moral rules? Banning gay marriage is not going to make people straight. We’ve come way too far to even have to justify this point. I’m ashamed that there are still so many people living in this state, in this day, where we are supposed to be so forward-thinking and setting examples for the rest of the nation, out there in the rain waving signs about keeping marriage sacred and using scare tactics to appeal to the parents who are terrified that their little Melanie is going to be taught to be a dyke in kindergarten because Prop 8 didn’t pass. Just ridiculous. So…yeah, I’m voting against that.

Anyway, vote tomorrow. Unless you want to be a useless turd. And unless you’re planning on voting for McCain. In that case, stay home, cause you’ve probably got to watch your stories anyway.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

now are you sure you want a piece of me?

Question: What's worse than Mondays?

Answer: Tuesdays.

I have been at work for three hours and I feel like it's been closer to ten. I'm exhausted, partly because I couldn't shut off last night but more accurately because the homosexual couple down the hall from me decided that Monday night at eleven o'clock would be the perfect time to host a soiree. I've seen this elusive couple only a handful of times in the year I've lived at the apartments, but each time, judging by the hotpants and glitter, I could tell the score immediately. Watching the sexier of the pair (and I say this only because they have to be ranked somehow) shimmy up the stairs and exclaim with glee over the strawberry buttons on my dog's collar, I shouldn't have been so foolish as to think that some night soon, the Cure WOULDN'T be blaring out of their open windows at 1AM. The rayon blend shirt practically demanded it.

So, last night as I was walking Laura down the stairs, I can't say I was completely surprised to hear Rihanna "breakin' dishes" at top volume because her man had done her wrong. And as I scuttled past their open front door (I didn't want to linger in case it seemed like I was being nosy) I heard a high pitched voice ask if everyone had seen that little dog. To which, oohs and ahs followed. I had half a mind to parade Sheba back in front of the door, because after all, attention is attention. But two hours later when I was finally ready to go to sleep, and I could actually FEEL their music in my bed, I just wanted to go over there and strangle them all with their pom pom scarves. But of course, to beat them at their own game, I'd do it singing Britney-style "you want a piece of me?" I love me some gay men, but you mess with my REM cycle, you're just asking for a bitch slap.

Monday, October 27, 2008

not dead but dying

Erica brought it to my attention yesterday that I haven't written anything in a while. This isn't because nothing has happened to me lately, but because of a combination of an extreme amount of work, effectively making it impossible for me to take a half hour out of my day for paid blogging, and my ever-present excuse -- laziness. So I will pull together all of my faculties in an attempt to post something today, even though I am pretty sure I killed at least 10% of my brain cells this weekend and am not entirely certain my sentences are complete.

It was Berta's 30th birthday celebration on Saturday, and although I have been taking it really easy on the drinking over the past few months (although Hector would probably disagree) I decided that all the stops would be pulled for this party. We got rooms at the Holiday Inn right next to the bar the party was at, which I feel was extremely responsible and forward-thinking. Unfortunately, Hector found out he would have to work Sunday which put a damper on things and made me vow not to get totally wasted so he would have to deal with me. Cut to 6 hours later, and I am black-out drunk. Apparently, four drinks is all I can handle these days, since it reduced me to falling in front of the elevator and cussing out guys punching security guards outside the bar. Hector says he had to carry me because I refused to walk, and wanted to be left behind in front of someone else's hotel room. Wonderful. So much for Plan A. But on the plus side, I had a really good time before scenes started missing and I remember distinctly having some great conversation with Laura which we don't get to do as often as we should anymore. So aside from pissing Hector off and probably making his day miserable Sunday, things were not as bad as they could have been. Until I woke up Sunday morning. I am not exaggerating when I say I was still pretty drunk. I had the spins, and I had to run to the bathroom multiple times when I was getting my stuff together to attempt to empty the contents of my stomach. Hangover: 1, Me: 0. In an effort to hide the fact that I had smuggled in Sheba, I went out the side door of the hotel rather than through the lobby and spent the next ten minutes painfully making my way in the bright sun around the entire hotel to my car. When I got home I threw everything down and proceeded to sleep for the next 4 hours. You know you're getting old when sleep does nothing to cure your hangover. I woke up feeling only a little better and spent the rest of the day feeling sorry for myself. My dad came over and although he acted sympathetic, I think he gets a sense of satisfaction from seeing me suffer for my sins. I guess it's not every day you get to watch your daughter curled up on the couch in last night's makeup, moaning every five minutes and shaking uncontrollably, evidence in the flesh of the poisons of alcohol.

Thank god I will forget all about this in a month so I can do it again for Thanksgiving.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

a good time will be had by all

"One hundred years ago, in May 1908, 16 US Navy battleships with dozens of escorts and 14,000 sailors entered San Francisco Bay. Called the "Great White Fleet" because the ships were painted white, the fleet remained in San Francisco for two months, departing in July for Hawaii and the remainder of its 14-month cruise around the world. This was San Francisco's first Parade of Ships and first Fleet "Week". One of the objectives of the Great White Fleet's voyage was to ensure that Americans were aware of the reasons for having a strong and capable Navy and to let them see those capabilities first hand. This objective still resonates 100 years later and provides the primary rationale for our annual Fleet Week celebration.

The modern version of Fleet Week commenced in 1981 and it has become one of the best-attended annual events in Northern California. In 2008, we are fortunate to have the participation of the USS Bonhomme Richard, an amphibious assault carrier, and USS Pinckney, a guided missile destroyer, as well as the Coast Guard's newest cutter, the USCG Bertholf, which was commissioned in August 2008. We will also feature a robust air show with both the US Navy Blue Angel and Canadian Snowbird jet demonstration teams.

Fleet Week is also our annual opportunity to honor the men and women currently serving in the US and allied armed forces, particularly in the United States Navy, Marines and Coast Guard, and to learn about their character and skill, and the pride with which they carry out their duties. Please help me make them feel welcome in our City and assist me in thanking them for the remarkable contribution they are making to our security and well being."

What the Chairman of the San Francisco Fleet Week Committee forgot to mention, of course, was that Fleet Week is also an excellent chance to bang Seamen. (and women, if you're into that).

See you there!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

number 3,473,962 on my list of hates

I admit it, there are a lot of things that get my blood boiling. I mean, a LOT. So it's no surprise that maybe 60 times a day various people/events/actions/breakfast items piss me off to no end. But there is one thing that deserves special mention, since not only is it supremely annoying, but also pretentious, self-satisfied, idiotic, and just plain lame. I'm talking, of course, about those ridiculous decals that proud mothers get to adorn their hideous minivan/SUVs. Only slightly more infuriating than the "Baby on Board" signs that were so popular in the '90s and yet still somehow remain today, these decals not only advertise that the driver is a dipshit whose number one accomplishment in life was to spit out two, three or (save us Jesus) four children, but they also presume to imagine that we, the other drivers on the road, give half a shit. What they really do is make me wish I had a larger vehicle to ram them, their basketball-loving son, ballerina daughter, and goldfish right off the road.

I'm not saying having a family is bad. But is it really necessary to plaster them on your back windshield? I think not , unless those specific members of your family have done something special. A decal of a little girl in pigtails holding up a flask containing the cure for cancer is something even I can't find fault with. But until then, I think I will continue to hate silently in my car as I'm stuck behind the Chevy Astro crawling along the freeway with the happy stick family smiling at me from their perch on the glass.

And maybe, someday, I'll have my own family I'm proud enough to slap on the back of my car...

Monday, September 29, 2008

you ought to be ashamed of yourself

I meant to write this Friday, but was too lazy and tired to do it. Plus these days, by the end of the week, my fingers are curled and bent from five day's worth of carpal tunnel and I can use my right hand for little more than clutching my first post-work Screwdriver. Thankfully I am ambidextrous when it comes to drinking, and if worse comes to worst I can skip the worry altogether and get my alcohol hands-free with a straw.

So. Here I am with semi-fresh tendons at the start of a new week, but still bitter about Friday's turn of events. I'm talking, of course, about my trusted financial institution going under. I knew Washington Mutual was in trouble, but I had no idea things would happen so quickly and how much it would piss me off. I mean, there's a reason I chose WaMu (and I shorten their name with regret -- I'm against all silly corporation nicknames in general but laziness prevails here) as the organization to safeguard my massive fortune. Wells Fargo horribly screwed up my checking about five years ago, and I figured any bank with free checking AND free smiles was worth holding onto my monthly net profit of $3.47.

But people have proven me right once again with their stupidity, and this time, it's affected me. A couple weeks ago when news of WaMu's instability got out, the idiots flooded the banks and immediately withdrew gargantuan amounts of money, preferring to horde their savings in their homes rather than trusting the FDIC and the bank to protect their money. Now, I understand that amounts over 100K would not be insured if the bank went under and no one stepped up to buy the accounts, so it makes sense to spread your money around should you be lucky enough to have that much to need to protect. But for the rest of us hard-working, middle class bank customers, running to Washington Mutual to pull out all of your savings results in only one possible outcome: you are speeding along the very effect you're so worried about! Over a ten-day period, the very same people who bought generators, duct tape, and plastic sheeting after September 11th took out their life savings from Washington Mutual and stashed it in safes, lockboxes, and cookie jars throughout their houses, collectively withdrawing over 16 billion dollars. The end result? WaMu no longer has the money to back up their debts and they go out of business. Congratulations, panic stricken Americans, you were right all along. Meanwhile, all the smart burglars out there are casing your house and getting ready to steal that money that was so unsafe at the bank but will never be noticed behind the peas and under the ice cube tray in the freezer. Real smart.

The thing I'm most annoyed about in all this is that now I have to remember all the things I have electronically debited from my account and at some point in the future, change this over to either my new account with JP Morgan (who I am worried don't offer smiles for free) or my old account at the credit union. Washington Mutual, rest in peace. I enjoyed you while you lasted.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

part of this balanced breakfast

I didn't go to bed exceptionally late last night. I wasn't drunk when I hit the pillow. And I am not on any medications. So it was surprising, when, this morning, I woke up to a room filled with the light of the breaking day and looked over at my alarm clock to see "7:52" splashed across the screen. I looked away as I always do to make sure I'm not lying on a Sheba turd she may have left for me in the night, and then it registered and my head flew back to the clock. Seven. Fifty. Two. That is 30 minutes AFTER I am supposed to be in my office, at my computer, pretending to get my work done.

After all was said and done, I was over an hour and a half late getting to work today, and I'm still pissed off about it. Nothing puts you in a bad mood like waking up realizing you're already behind. But on the bright side, I didn't have dog droppings all over my sheets, so maybe things are looking up after all.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

wtfimt, inspection, at&t, electrocution, the vet: a week in review

Today was a busy day. My boss was playing with formula race cars all day, and I was left to man the ship, but after the shitstorm that was last week, I consider myself lucky that the worst that happened today was being told a tenant found mouse droppings on their conference room table. A good day, indeed.

So where shall I begin with last week? It should be a good indication of how crazy it was that I am just finding the time to complain about it now, but I will start with the beginning. Last Monday. And you get headings.

Monday morning, Hector left as usual around 7AM to go to work for the week, and I was running a little late so I quickly took Sheba out to go to the bathroom and then came back inside to feed her and leave. As I was putting her food into the bowl though, I looked up and noticed something was off in Shelly's tank. As in, Shelly wasn't in it. Now, Shelly is not a large turtle (about the size of a cheeseburger) but she is pretty obvious in a tank that contains a bowl for water, a fake palm tree, a thin layer of dirt, and a Shelly. Sometimes she hides behind the palm tree but since she is not flat, I can usually find her fairly easily. But this morning, Shelly was nowhere to be found. At first I just slowly looked around, expecting to see her shell peeking out from under the water dish or sticking up over some dirt. But lazy eyeballing soon gave way to frantic pushing of the dirt when I still couldn't find her after three minutes. I forgot to mention that when I take Sheba out every morning, since it takes five minutes tops to get her to use the facilities, I never lock my door. So after searching for at least six minutes for Shelly, I finally came to the conclusion that Someone Had Stolen My Turtle. I realize how ridiculous that sounds, but honestly it was the only explanation I could think of, since Shelly can't scale glass. I left for work because by this time I was late, but I called Hector on the off chance he might have decided to take her to work to help prevent wildfire. He hadn't, so I told him that someone had come into my apartment, ignored my purse by the door, and taken my turtle. He's experienced firsthand the dementia of my neighbors, so although he might have laughed at me, he bought it and sounded worried too, which was all I needed to panic even more. All day my stomach was unsettled, thinking someone had come into my home and removed one of my animals. By the end of the day, I was certain that when I went home Sheba would be missing as well. Long story short, when I got home Shelly was in the open next to her water dish where she usually is, and although I'm still not convinced that whoever took her didn't just break back in to put her back, I am open to the possibility that she might have gone completely under her water dish, since I never lifted it up. But it's unlikely.

The Friday before last weekend, the apartment management had put a notice on my door saying they were going to inspect my unit on Tuesday. Normally, they perform inspections once a year to check on the renovations they've installed in the apartments, but when they do that, they do a whole range of apartments. This time, it was just mine, according to the notice, and it was being performed by the "Community Compliance Committee". To me, that sounds a little ominous. The maintenance guys had been in here working on my bathroom before the notice was sent out, so I could only assume they were the ones who had tipped the management off about something, but I couldn't figure out what. It's not that I didn't know because I haven't done anything wrong, I just didn't know which violation of my lease they had noticed. How was I supposed to fix it by Tuesday if I didn't know what they were looking for? My first thought was Sheba, who isn't illegal per se, but I technically should have notified the management before I bought her and am supposed to pay a $500 deposit for. But then also there was Hector, whose stuff is all over my apartment and I am not supposed to have any guests over three days according to my lease. I can't be legally held responsible for the bondage gear and extensive lube collection, so those were the two items I thought might be checked up on. I tried to hide everything I could see that was Hector's in my place, but as I was trying to do that, it made me realize how even with his toiletries, clothes, and guitar hidden, it still kind of looks like a man lives here. I have a huge Mohammed Ali poster on my wall, a man's razor in the bathroom, and the only edible things in my refrigerator are a hot dog, month old nectarines, and some pickles. Laura agreed to watch Sheba on Tuesday, so Monday night I was running through the house trying to remove evidence of my dog as well as my boyfriend. It was much, much harder to do the first one (sorry, Hector). I hid her bowl, her blankets, and her bones, but the layer of hair that has settled over my entire apartment was a lot harder to get rid of. I vacuumed twice, which pretty much only served to push the hair around, kick it up, and then allow it to settle in different places. So I spent two and a half hours on my hands and knees around the apartment applying and ripping off packing tape to the carpet. And of course, during this time, Sheba was assisting me by running around after me and losing half her coat in the process. I'm not sure how the inspection went or still even what they were looking for, but when I got home I noticed that I had forgotten to remove the giant bag of puppy pee pads that was on top of my refrigerator. So, either the game was up at that point, or they think I am incontinent and prefer to urinate on my carpet.

Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday were all nonstop days at work. I barely had time to eat and use the restroom, let alone do a crossword or look up the comic of the day on Natalie Dee. We are finally getting set up on our new server, which made Monday a wonderful mixture of "why doesn't anything work" and "where the hell is my email?" and "oh look, I get to reinstall my entire hard drive!". In addition to that, my boss was transferring his phone from Verizon to AT&T. Meaning, I was transferring his phone. Of course, it couldn't just work like it was supposed to according to the easy setup guide. And if you don't already know, I am technically brain dead when it comes to anything IT. So me coupled with the Blackberry Curve and something called a Blackberry Enterprise Server would have been a lethal combination even on the best of days. I called AT&T to see why the phone wasn't working and had to have them activate it remotely. Then I had to call back an hour later because although it was on, it kept turning itself off. So after "solving' the problem with one technician, I had to call back in another half hour when it happened again. That guy told me I would have to go into the AT&T store and have them plug my battery into a new phone to see if it was the phone that was defective. I went to the closest store in Palo Alto, waited for 45 minutes in their ridiculous line, then spoke to a barely legal salesperson who told me that no, he could not put the battery into another phone to test it, I would have to do that in their special customer support store in San Jose. At this point I was ready to chew his eyeballs out, but there really wasn't anything he could do to help me, so I was forced to drive the 30 minutes back towards home to go to the special store. I waited there for another half hour, but after that, the guy gave me a totally new phone that didn't have the issues the other one was having. I get back to my office three hours after I initially left it, triumphant with new phone in hand, and call our IT guy, who decides this is a good time to tell me that the internet package I ordered with the phone is not the right one, and I would have to call AT&T again to order the right one (which he had never told me about and was not on the website to purchase in the first place). It is never a simple procedure to speak to a representative at AT&T. I think the fastest I've ever gotten a live human on the line was ten minutes. But I finally talked with someone, made the change, and got bossy's cell phone up and running, all in a mere 6 hours. So imagine my ecstasies when my boss tells me Tuesday that since I'd now "gotten the hang of" dealing with AT&T, I would get to order this complete wireless system for his dad's ranch near Tahoe. I won't go into it too much because my hand is starting to cramp, but there went my Tuesday. AT&T goes to great lengths to ensure that not just anyone can order service on your account, which I suppose is a good thing, but I figure if someone has my social security number, address, and mother's maiden name, which you need all of to get into the cell phone account, then the last thing I really need to worry about is them trying to add unlimited text messaging to my phone plan. By Wednesday afternoon I had finally made my last call in to AT&T, and I hope I never have to call again. But I know better.

Hector got off work Thursday morning, so he was home with Sheba for a bit Thursday. When I got out of the gym, he gave me a call saying I needed to come home because Sheba's eye was so puffy she couldn't see out of it. So I sped home thinking she was on death's door, and when I got in the house, she looked so pathetic I wanted to cry. Her whole left eye was swollen shut, since she had been scratching at it pretty much all day. Wednesday Laura put some aloe on her stomach cause she was scratching and biting till she bled in some places. She's done this on a lower level since I got her, but only this last week was it getting way worse. I gave her a benadryl Thursday night, but to be safe I made an appointment for Friday for the vet since I had no idea why all of a sudden it was getting so bad. I started making dinner late because our plans to go out to eat fell through, and it was when I was plugging in my rice cooker that I got electrocuted. When the stupid planners for the renovations at the apartments designed the new kitchens, it was someone's bright idea to install under-cabinet microwaves in all the units. That's great, except they block the one useable outlet on the counter line. In order to plug anything else in my kitchen, I have to contort my body and squeeze my arm into the 21/2 inch space between the microwave and the wall. This is normally not an easy process, but when your fingertips are slightly damp and you are just jabbing away in the general area of the electrical socket because you can't see through a microwave, what happens is you get however many volts that normally power those appliances coursing through your body instead. I heard the pop, saw the flash, and screamed pretty much all at the same time, and then my hand was out without my realizing I had pulled it from behind the microwave. I had scratched myself down the lengthof my arm though because instead of pulling out at a right angle like I had gone in, I just went straight out and along the sharp bottom edge of the microwave. My finger was still hurting the next day, but on the plus side I am waiting for my superpowers to kick in.

The best part of the week was when my boss told me I could "work" from home the rest of Friday after the vet appointment. Unfortunately, I really did do work. At the vet, we learned that Sheba is highly allergic to either food or her environment, and we got a nice arsenal of pills to put her on for the next two weeks till we have to go back for a checkup. The visit was $216, most of which Hector paid since I had no money. Happy Birthday to him! It took them 20 minutes to check us out since they couldn't seem to work their billing software properly and then I had to go back ten minutes after I'd left because they forgot to give me the hypoallergenic food Sheba has to eat for the next six weeks to see if it's food she's allergic to. I didn't sign up for this. Deaf, sure, I knew about that. But a pill-popping, allergy riddled dog who can't eat anything but low allergen dry food and can only handle the outdoors after a dose of benadryl followed by an immediate bath? Sheba may have to accidentally "escape" one of these days.

So that was my week. After typing all of that, I think the next thing to go wrong will be full blown carpal tunnel. But then I can wear those cool wrist braces, so really it's not all bad.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

artsy fartsy

Last night I attempted to watch "The Tracey Fragments" which I had rented from Netflix. I think I lasted about 5 minutes before I had to turn it off. I believe I have mentioned before that I can't stop any movie or book once I've started it, no matter how badly it blows or how lame its subject. I finished "The Next Best Thing," for god's sake.

But this...this was unwatchable and infuriating. The movie (at least the first five minutes of it) consisted of 4-5 squares on the screen with different, but related scenes playing out in each of them. So your eyes have to be all over the place to get a feel for what's going on. I wonder how long they figured it would take the average viewer to realize, "oooo I get it! Fragments! Like the poor little heroine's shattered life! How symbolic!" and then praise the director for his masterpiece in innovative movie design. It took me one to hate it, then four more to fight the urge inside me to immediately hit eject.

Bruce McDonald: just because something's never been done before doesn't mean it's the good kind of avant garde. Symbolism isn't supposed to be so literal. And maybe if we were spiders and had four times as many eyes, this would work. But with only two, neither of which care to look at any of the crap you put onscreen, it doesn't work.

Instead, I watched Kenny vs. Spenny, which Hector bought last week and I had never even heard of. I watched the entire DVD and was cracking up all by myself in my house. Now THAT is some fine television.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008


The Office season four comes out on Tuesday! Sweet Jesus, if it is not in my hot little hands by Tuesday night, I am going to throw myself on the floor, good ol' fashioned tantrum style.

Just wanted to give everyone a heads up to what's coming. And to vent about coming downstairs this morning, all ready for work, to find that my battery was completely dead. The system of checks and balances strikes again.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008


I just got internet at home after not having any form of telecom in my abode for the last year. And all I have to say is...

How in blazes did I ever go without 24-hour access to new and varied pornography? Seriously, does the internet do anything half as good?

Now if you'll excuse me...

Thursday, August 21, 2008

like mother, like daughter

A couple months ago, I got a nail trimmer for my dog. I had contemplated just using my personal nail clippers but the combined thought of the nastiness in then using them myself and the certainty that they wouldn't be big enough to get her fat claws into forced me to peruse the options at Petco. And jesus but those bastards are expensive! My choices ranged from the cheap and dirty scissor-like clippers (which I'm sure wouldn't even cut paper) to the questionable "Quick-finder" clippers that claim to make it foolproof to avoid having your dogs' paws bleeding like a virgin on prom night.

I was looking for the Pedi File, (I later learned it's called Pedi Paws, but since Janessa kept referring to it as that and I enjoy the horrible un-PCness of that brand name I will stubbornly refuse to address it by its proper name) a tool that just basically sands your dogs' nails down to oblivion without you having to cut anything. But they didn't have it, and the Oster Nail Grinding Kit sounded a little too barbaric for my tastes.

So I got these clippers but hadn't done anything with them for fear of accidentally cutting off a paw or cutting into the blood vessels, since Sheba's nails are black and I have no idea where the quick is, and am just generally inept when it comes to pet grooming. But last night after my dad's comment that Sheba looks like that man in India whose nails are all curled up inside socks, I decided to go for it.

In the end, both of us did pretty well. My strategy was to just grab and clip without spending too much time trying to decide if maybe I was cutting off too much, and her strategy was to squirm and twist and immediately eat all of the clippings that flew off as if they were made of prime beef. It was pretty disgusting, but then, she does lick her own anus.

Today is Brain's 30th birthday. Happy birthday to Brain! I just ate a biscotti in his honor.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

drumroll please...

I really hate all the work it takes to upload pictures from my camera, resize them for the web, upload them again into Photobucket, then rearrange all the html links to form a pleasing storyline so it’s not just an onslaught of disturbing and random images. But I do it because I care, and because it’s better than doing work. Please enjoy.

These first ones are from my first installment of the now finished tattoo. All of these are taken in the bathroom at E&O, where, I’m pretty sure, we are no longer allowed. Janessa was drunk. And if you don’t believe me…

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…you probably do now. Here’s baby gently removing my bandages. I’m sure this violates health codes at the restaurant.

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And here she is drying my skins after she washed me in the sink.

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Here’s what it looked like for a couple weeks till the rest of the color got filled in.

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I think this is in chronological order…but so much time has gone by, who can tell. Dave and Amy took two birthday shots of Jaeger. Nasty.

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Erica doing her best impression of a T-Rex

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And some more pictures from that party:

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I hope I made Talal do this.

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Berta was kind enough to invite us to Petroglyph. It was most of our first time, and I am more than a little ashamed of my lack of artistic flair.

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Erica organized Ladies Night at the Melting Pot in San Mateo. The food was good, but the waiter was slow. Here are the pictures at the start of the 4-hour meal.
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Okay, now on to Vegas. The ride up in the backseat of the Impala was pretty fun.

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I only got a couple from the ceremony since cameras weren’t allowed.

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And here’s the reception. Marky gave a speech I couldn’t really hear, but that’s probably a good thing since I had already cried plenty.

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I didn’t get very good shots of the cake cutting but I tried.

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The reception. I got a little more tipsy as it progressed.

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Maria took several pictures of Hector listening to Josh. Methinks I wasn’t the only tipsy one.

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They look like an ad straight out of JC Penney.

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We went to the Beauty Bar at the Old Strip after the reception, where Hector bought Chris & Jenn a shot of Patron.

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And Janessa was kind enough to take pictures of the awkwardness that was Janelle trying to get me out of my dress. Luckily I was drunk or I probably would have felt violated.

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The fauna on our trip:

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Brian relieving the gases in the position Janelle taught him.

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On the Monorail

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Going the wrong direction…

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Baby found this on the wall in our room and immediately applied it to her crotch. Oh, if only it were true…

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Janelle, my and Hector’s sleeping arrangement for this trip

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We enjoyed a delicious meal at Benihana, despite the neighboring conversation between Star Trek fans

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On the way out there was a waterfall, which you can’t see, and if you don’t think it’s embarrassing trying to re-create a scene from Flashdance on a public walkway…well it wasn’t since I had a bottle of sake to help out

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Janelle was cold because the casinos were freezing and she was slutting it up Vegas style

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On the way home, we all agreed that if Janelle was a dog, she would be a Yorshire Terrier

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And we learned the hard way that Janelle is allergic to Latex…

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A good time was had by all.

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