The four day weekend was lovely. It was just long enough to rejuvenate the mind, body, and spirit, at the same time allowing for intense liver pollution and constant gorging of the stomach. I don't think an hour went by that I didn't have some tasty morsel in my mouth or some libation in hand. And yet, I still managed to get some fitness in as well, which is actually kind of disgusting.
5 Stars go to Erica and Dave (ok let's face it, mostly Erica) for hosting a most fantastic 4th of July party at their swanky abode in Belmont. Three cheers for the aptly named snacks, streamered straws, multi-light American flag, and delicious hamburgers/chicken wings/caramel apple slices. I will admit that after shoveling snacks into my face from 4:30PM to about 6:30, I then devoured the meat selection. The hamburgers were so good that I ate two before I realized what I was doing, and then later spied the flag foil tin that held the remaining patties and grabbed one, cold and naked, and swallowed it down. Janelle and I brought hot dogs, and after Janelle half cooked four of them for the two of us, topped off with another burger, I began to feel the shame. Which of course, didn't stop me from eating the birthday cake Erica surprised me with, which hands down was the best birthday cake ever and totally amazing of her to have done. The downside of a great party like this is the cleanup, which Janessa assured me was going to be quite the undertaking. I promise I didn't participate in the confetti spraying...although I can't say the same for the "let's see how far we can hurtle this food item off the balcony" event. If that's not a sign of a good time, I don't know what is.
We went to Paragon for my birthday celebration, which I must say was kind of a mistake having on Saturday since everyone was totally done in from the day before. But since I am none too pleased about being 29 anyway, the mellowness worked out fine. The last time I was sober for my birthday, I think I was 20. It's all downhill from here...
I somehow volunteered myself for a four hour hike on Sunday, and I can tell you from experience that there are tons of better ways to spend one's birthday. But it was great when it was over and at least we can all say we accomplished something. My thighmeats are still a little sore from all the inactivity at work, but I would do it again. This time I would eat beforehand though, since two celeries and a graham cracker don't quite sustain the body in a 1K elevation climb. Kudos to Laura for being a super little trooper after twisting her ankle, yet refusing to let us fashion a stretcher out of sticks to carry her all the way down. We all made it out alive and although I didn't capture the lizard I had hoped for, it was still a successful trip.
I now have exactly one month to prepare my liver for Vegas. My goal is to make at least three stiff drinks a night, so I can ease into the 20 cocktail a day deathfest that Vegas invariably is. I should probably order the transplant now so it's in the mail by the time I get back...