The boyfriends really made the day magical by playing along and dressing to match their old ladies. You know a guy's a keeper when he is willing to wear convict-orange pants or a royal purple vest and bowtie to please you on your special day. Thanks, chambelanes!
Fourth of July was also pretty great, hosted by the lovely Erica and the handsome Dave. Their apartment is awesome to have the Fourth at because their balcony has a great view of three sets of fireworks. Plus, we had sparklers to wave around over the dry shrubbery below. Fire hazard! This year I curbed my tendency to overeat (understatement of the year) and only had a hot dog and half a burger. I was forced to eat two corns because after the first one, I learned that Maria had hurled her eaten cob across the parking lot below to land on the roof of the industrial building 100 yards away. And really, how can you not attempt to match that feat? Result: complete failure as my cob pathetically landed on the awning about 10 feet short of the roof. I will practice for next year. Here's Maria's first corn:
And I will say this: the next time someone goes up on that roof they are going to be in for a nice surprise, as eventually as the drinking progressed, we graduated from chucking corn cobs to hurtling empty bottles across the lot. Very few of them made it.
There was a contest for "most patriotic", and although Laura took home the apricot preserve grand prize at the party, I think if Francis had been there he would have been the recipient of a delicious apricot treat.
(Photo courtesy of my dad, who graciously watched the puppies on the 4th and never misses an opportunity to immortalize his grandchildren on film.) Here's one of Sheba, and please note how my father made no attempt to insert the flags in her collar, as she couldn't even be bothered to look up for the camera.
And what fourth of July celebration would be complete without the cheese ball eating contest? Brian won again this year, with Janessa, Maria and I warming up early but ultimately falling short.
Next year...