Because I was in a committed relationship throughout college and for the year after, I didn't really go out and party like I should have. This meant that when I inevitably broke up with my boyfriend who lived 3,000 miles away, I was faced with the not-entirely-disappointing realization that I was finally able to do whatever I wanted with my life, which included drinking to excess and making horrible decisions, which I did, with relish. For the next ten years.
Cut to 2011 and things aren't a whole lot different. I don't go out as often as I used to, but I'm freshly single again so I imagine that's going to change soon. The only thing now is that when I drink to excess on a Wednesday evening, getting up at 6:30AM to be an adult isn't as easy as it used to be. I try to make grand proclamations such as "I'm not drinking for a month" but those never stick because being the only sober one in the group is no fun, and let's face it, I'm funnier after four vodka sprites. Once it hits your lips...
I don't know where I was going with this. Reading it over, I can't tell if I originally intended this post to serve as a denunciation of drinking, or an endorsement. It's actually only served to make me thirsty. Who wants a drink?