Wednesday, June 25, 2008

If I had a million dollars...

I'd camouflage those unsightly water meters in front of my house.

I was taking a nice long stroll at lunch time to counteract the intense eating, drinking and week-long gym avoidance that come standard with family/friend birthdayfest 2008, when I confirmed that yes, the Menlo Park/Atherton area IS as pretentious as it looks at first glance. As I walked past the 453rd extravagant palace equipped with matching BMWs in the front driveway, I noticed that not only was each home beautifully and emaculately landscaped, (they weed in their spare time, I'm sure) but many of them had matching "rocks" near the sidewalk. Upon closer inspection, I realized that these rocks had keyholes in the back, and stood on cement pedestals. Heaven forbid Mr. and Mrs. Lane P. Harringsworth the Third have the view outside their receiving room window marred by repulsive water meter boxes! It just isn't proper!

It got me thinking...who sells these artificial water meter rocks? And where can I get one for my third story apartment? Because if ever there was a symbol of wealth to excess, throwing money down the drain on something to fool the average passerby into thinking you don't use water is right up there. And I want that kind of image.

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