As I was driving at lunch today on the ongoing hunt for a leopard-print button, I saw in the corner of my eye a little squirrel crossing the opposite lane of Foothill Expressway. I squealed "Nooooooooooo!" as I zoomed past him going 45mph and immediately looked in my rearview mirror to see if he made it past the cars in his lane. I was most likely putting my fellow drivers lives in jeopardy as I cheered the squirrel on in his journey to get to the other side. He made it to see another day, in case you were wondering, unless of course he got smashed on his return trip. If I were a squirrel, I'd stay in my hole all day and have helper squirrels to do my bidding.
In other news, isn't
this just the most poorly-timed ad campaign ever?
Two days till Vegas!
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