Friday, August 31, 2007

beer bongs at the office and a song in my heart

I had planned on staying just for a little bit today at work, and commencing the drinking at or before the drive home. But when my boss called in to say we could leave at noon, all of a sudden all pretense of work stopped. I just watched the two guys I work with take a beer bong apiece at 11AM. I'll stick to my beer in a cup, thank you, like a CIVILIZED employee. The idea of wrapping my lips around a stale rubber tube that two guys I have reason to believe have oral herpes (at the very least) have just finished using does not fill me with happiness. But yeah...the idea in itself is pretty awesome and it's a moral principle I can really get behind.

I am leaving to begin my three and a half day weekend in 15 minutes. I have a two week old brownie and a slice of unrefrigerated (24 hours and counting) pizza to look forward to, and no, my weekend can't get any better from here. I hope everyone has fun celebrating Labor Day in all ways you see fit. See you Tuesday!

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