Last week, my dad went into the hospital several times complaining of stomach pains. After going back and forth, he was finally admitted Saturday morning. Upsetting, yes, but I thought everything would be fine once he started getting the antibiotic IV drip for the infection they said he had. I was in and out of the hospital all weekend, so I didn't get to work on my projects as planned. Then Monday everything went to shit. Daddy's intestines exploded, apparently, and he had to be rushed into surgery. Now let me help put you in my frame of mind as I get this tasty piece of news at 9AM at the start of an already stress-filled week:
imagine, if you will, a rabbit. This rabbit lives on, oh, let's say a balcony of a third floor apartment. The rabbit is relatively exposed to the elements but away from most predators being that he's so high up in the air. Now, if you know anything about rabbits, you will know that they are very high strung animals and the smallest things can upset them. So this rabbit is living his life, playing with his tube, eating, and crapping like usual. And then someone tells him that he has a total of 8 hours to design and execute an incredibly complicated coat before he takes off for a 3.5 day boozefest in Vegas during which he may or may not return impregnated, and his father has just had something burst in his body with unknown immediate and long-term effects, but he has to just sit tight and wait for more news while the hormones from his monthly menses course like freight trains throughout his veins. Oh, how that rabbit cried.
I have come to the terms with the fact that this jacket is not getting done. The hormones have subsided, and my dad looks a lot better than he did earlier in the week. So now I am left with the last thing: Vegas. I have created a list of things I need to get done before we leave tomorrow at 4:45PM.
-go to bank (pull out momma's spendin' cash)
-go to Hancock's Fabrics (for tulle)
-go to Target (larger memory card for camera and birthday card for Hector)
-do nails (gotta keep up appearances)
-laundry (this ones a question mark since it's not urgent)
-pack (bring bag for dirties, bathing suit/towel, phone charger, food, pills)
-pick up dad's mail
-go to Safeway (need vodka, jam, utensils, peanut butter)
-take out garbage (to prevent fruit flies)
-turn on Shelly (ever the responsible mother)
I have one hour to take care of the things that need to be done during business hours. I have max 4 hours to take care of the rest.

but at least I'm not that guy.
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