Sheba is a toy fox terrier mix who is living in a foster house with 10 other dogs. She’s two and she weighs only 7 pounds. Oh and Sheba is deaf. Deaf! This is the second deaf dog I have been interested in since the beginning of DogQuest 2007-8 so i pretty much feel like it’s a sign from the heavens that Sheba should be mine. I am going to visit her after work today to see if she likes me and I’m seriously contemplating stashing raw meats in my pockets to ensure that she does. But with eleven total dogs in her home, I’m worried that the foster mother isn’t going to give Sheba up so easily. She has already warned me that she’s extremely picky and has a tendency to keep her foster animals permanently. I’m trying not to get my hopes up too much about this, but I find myself quickly reverting to age 6 when I would pray every night that my mother would finally give in and buy me a pony. I feel like I’m being interviewed (which I am, I guess) and this worries me because I typically don’t do well in interviews. Unless the interviewer is male between the ages of 30-50 and I am wearing a particularly revealing top/ no bra. So...fingers crossed on this one.
Side note: they are building a Hooters at the old Spoons by my house. Janessa feels that we are shoe-ins for waitress positions and free implants, but I am a little more skeptical about this. Laura thinks we would make our mom proud to see both her daughters in scrunch socks. And I am a huge fan of nude pantyhose. So, who knows? Hot wings, anyone?
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