Tuesday, May 6, 2008

my goodness

I enjoy moving. I love packing things into ill-fitting boxes. I love lugging said boxes across zip codes. I love filling out change of address forms and then praying to the baby jesus that the post office is able to pull it together just long enough to get the mail to the forwarding address I entered on the standard form they must see a thousand times a day. But most of all, I love unpacking and putting everything I used to have into a space about 1/8 the size of the last space I was in.

I just spent the last month moving our office from San Jose to Menlo Park. To add to the stress of figuring out the difference between VoIP and Nortel phone system packages, new software/hardware, new company logos, stationery, and office supplies, the owners were splitting off to create two new companies so I got to do it all twice. I won't go into the details of my slaving away in an empty office for the last 30 days, but suffice it to say, it was hellish. And now I am in my new "office" (read: crawl space surrounded by 8' high cubicle partitions with a sliver of light seeping through the cracks) desperately trying to sync up all my old contacts and failing. Failing miserably. But at least I have time to write, since the internet is pretty much the only thing working correctly over here.

After years of pining over every vehicle remotely nicer than mine on the road, I finally went out and bought myself my very first self-financed vehicle. It's nothing special, but the fact that it is only 4 years old rather than 11 and doesn't look like it's been used in a monster truck rally is a definite plus for me. And everyone loves a teal car, right? I'm not joking, the color is awful, but it's a Nissan Sentra and with my price range, I was pretty damn lucky to get it. You can't just walk into a car dealership anymore and offer sexual favors for new wheels. But you can get a pretty good deal that way.

The downside I've found to moving offices and buying a car at the same time? Your paycheck gets lost in the postal system while almost your entire savings are blown. Result: Momma needs to start turning tricks to feed the pets.

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