Thursday, June 28, 2007

apparently they haven't been to new brunswick

I'm tired. So I'm hoping these pictures speak for themselves. Don't be fooled though, Reno is not all fun and games. Let me just say, if I had a dollar for every overweight hooker I saw there, I would not have left $100 in the hole.

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Every time I take out the camera, I always end up with a picture like this.

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In the bathroom at the Circus Circus...

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Janessa was angry to be left out of this one. Is it any wonder people think we're bitches?

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These are both $100 chips. What else are you gonna do with them?

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Janessa in eager anticipation of Baxter's birthday present

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In the throes of ecstasy at the prospect of making her very own animal cookies. Which, by the way, were promised but not delivered. I want that elephant, baby.

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We were in the middle of the street for at least 20 minutes, much to the dismay of the guys we were with.

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I look insane.

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Janessa and Baxter...double trouble.

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Baxter and Baxter again.

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I think this was when we began to hear the steady whine of Brian complaining that we were taking forever under that sign...

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We really shouldn't be allowed in gift shops.

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See what I mean? Unfortunately, the angle neglects to show the red third of the hat. I'm regretting not taking a picture with the homosexual cat who was a self-proclaimed shopaholic.

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Hector discovered these fantastic cups that you could etch things into, providing us with hours of fun whilst drinking, and a truce at last between me and Anthony when we finally figured out a way we could both be Baxters.

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Baxter wasn't too good to get in the street with us

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and neither was this random girl we pulled in while she was walking by

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I'm shocked none of us were hit by a car

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This is actually quite a dangerous situation...

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Take 2

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She brought it upon herself

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Look at Janelle's hair as it blows in the artificial wind

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The last thing Reno saw as Brian drove off into the sunset...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

thanks for the pictures of the overweight hookers in reno. gross!