Thursday, June 14, 2007

I'm teething.

I thought I had all my wisdom teeth grown in. Until this morning. I don't want to alarm anyone, but there seems to be a tooth growing in behind my wisdom tooth on the lower right side of my mouth (tooth number 32, for all you aspiring dental assistants out there). Now I'm not sure if this is just a previously submerged part of the wisdom tooth that's now rising to the surface, or if I am in fact a member of a highly evolved human strain and this extra tooth is somehow connected to my ability to read minds and perform complicated mathematical processes. I'm afraid to touch it in case it unleashes the armageddon on you poor unsuspecting mortals. For right now, I will just cautiously chew on the left side and hope that I don't have to be fed to a snake like the bunnies in my 10th grade science class whose teeth were in danger of growing through their heads.

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