Last night I invited Laura to dine with me at chez unfinished apartment and, unable to resist the promise of nachos, she graciously accepted my invitation. Because I was expecting guests, I pulled out all the stops and not only purchased a fine Mexican blend of grated cheese, but also chopped olives, Rosarita refried beans, garlic lovers salsa, and chicken filets for our daily meat intake. I chopped the chicken into tiny chip-sized pieces and fried them up in butter (side note: chopping chicken up into too tiny portions makes them a little tough. I don't recommend it) and arranged the chips in a pleasing manner with liberal handfuls of cheese on top. They were glorious. But I feel the meal was really pulled together with the red wine we sipped in between shoveling chips into our greedy faces. You would think wine and nachos might not be a good combination, but you would be wrong.
The movie selection for the night was called Opal Dream and although I thought it was a foreign film from my foggy memory of putting into my netflix queue, I was happy to discover that I didn't have to read at all while watching, because the movie was set in Australia. It was strange, to say the least, and not a movie I would ordinarily have enjoyed but the wine helped more than a little. It was about a girl with imaginary friends who gets sick when she "loses" them and then her brother pays for their funeral with a huge opal he finds in his dad's claim. There was some other stuff, but that's the gist of it. Laura and I were shaky on the enjoyment level until we decided it was dessert time and then proceeded to split FOUR small dessert cakes because picking just one each was too difficult. The mocha triangle cake was best, followed by the chocolate mousse cake round, followed (distantly) by the black forest cake, and then the apricot tart came in at a sorrowful last place because it was almost impossible to chew/cut. But I am glad we successfully completed the dessert challenge, because I feel we are the better for it.
In other news, I may be going to Disneyland for Thanksgiving. Not having to cook + the happiest place on earth = how can you go wrong??

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