The pretty babies

Right before we began to feast.

Dave making a moving toast.

This is what I consumed.

Followed by this:

The wine cozy I made to disguise the fact that the bottle I brought was $8.

Which also worked to disguise the fact that Janelle was only $8.

Me and the baby.

Plus one.

Janessa says, “Turkey makes me tingly!”

Why Dave had these napkins is beyond me. But they did demonstrate our undying love of this country in a convenient 5x5” form.

Oskar and Charlee are thankful for each other.

As the wine flowed freely, the flash began to go off every 5 seconds.

One of the rare occasions Janessa allowed herself to be photographed in Brian’s vicinity.

We spent so long trying to get the perfect picture with the port that we actually wore the battery out taking the following pictures, thus making it impossible to document the actual photo-worthy events of the rest of the evening, such as when Dave met the neighbors.

And no night would be complete without one of these.

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