Monday, October 15, 2007

can I apply for handicapped parking?

A couple months back when I was moving, I smashed my thumb really nicely in the hinge of the front door of my apartment. It bled. I cried silently. It stopped bleeding, and I forgot about it.

For some reason, that nail has decided to become deformed. I just noticed it last week: a thin nail shell has started growing over the original nail bed. This is troubling. I looked up the meaning of this online and to my dismay discovered that this new pathetic nail is my damaged nail's attempt to cover itself, and that it most likely is going to fall off altogether. Eee! I panic easily, and this time was no exception. Luckily, my uncle claims to have had this happen to him several times and he said to just file away the new weakly nail covering and keep trimming it until it grows out. Of course, nails grow excrutiatingly slowly and I have intense OCD and can't stop picking at it. I have tried covering it with a bandaid to avoid the problem but I can feel its desire to be picked through the flexible latex rubber layer and it's only a matter of time before I cave and rip it off to begin furiously peeling and scraping. I don't know if it's all the filing, but the real nail underneath has started to become misshapen. Dear lord save me from myself.

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