But, to no avail. This year, Janessa FINALLY agreed to do it and with my new skills in design, I promised to make the dresses myself (only less innocent, more uberslut). About two months ago, I bought matching pink and blue wigs. And then did nothing else until this week. Unfortunately, Sunday, Janessa tried on her wig. After ten minutes of squealing, tugging, yanking, and crying, we discovered that her massive head will not accomodate a wig, even with the adorable wig cap to encase the hair and ease wig application. Fuck. As you can tell by the picture, the cornerstone of these costumes is the hair. I figured I would proceed as planned and start making the dresses, and worry about shoving Janessa's head into some hair when the time came. My friend Autumn had helped me make the pattern for the dress the week before, so I didn't think I would have all that much left to do, but when I made the sample I discovered that it was ten inches too big around the empire line. Woops.
Long story short, I got a call from Janessa the next day that boiled down to "can't find a wig to fit my head, going as a bat". I made the executive decision to bravely continue my quest to be a twin star (read: had already spent WAY too much money/time on this concept) and finally finished my dress to fit me Wednesday night. I bought the shoes last night and still need to sew on some buttons, but otherwise we are good to go. The only problem is I don't know if I want to be just one of the little twin stars. I photoshopped Janessa's head onto a picture of the other twin star and wrote R.I.P under it so maybe people will get it, but I am beginning to have doubts. I have butterfly wings as a backup, but I have been that damn butterfly like three years now.
So I have two choices. I can be the pseudo-innocent pink little twin star in a homemade dress, wings and beige flats. Or, I could be a semi-slutty blue butterfly in rhinestones, huge false eyelashes, and stilettos. Irony, or true to form? Only time will tell.
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