(I am understating the excitement I felt when I learned I wouldn't have to deal with getting refund general ed units anymore at this school. I mean I was really pleased).
To counteract this happy news, because god knows I need the balance in my life, I have spent the last three days exchanging phone calls with the post office about the fact that they have decided to ignore my mail forwarding and just return everything to the senders. If you have never had to deal with the local post office before, then you are lucky, because these bastards just couldn't care less about whether you are receiving your credit card offers in a timely manner. The other day I talked to a woman who basically told me that while she would TAKE a message, she probably wouldn't deliver it. Snatch. And then I got an angry call this morning from a guy who was mad that I called the 1-800 number to complain that they weren't fixing things at the local office. I hope he got in trouble. After all the back and forth, the long and short of it is that I am SOL and if I really want this resolved, I need to get a copy of the front of the returned mail so they can see who signed for it and where. The only nice thing about all this is that I have an excuse for why I haven't paid my medical bill from July yet.
More good news: it's getting easier to sweat through a full hour of spinning without feeling like I'm going to vomit up my lunch. Last night Laura and I managed not to break our butts, and although I had a coughing fit after it was all over and my face looked like a tomato, another week is behind us. As a special treat, Janessa cooked up a delicious feast of TWO kinds of enchiladas, tacos, refried beans, and spanish rice. I made a spritzle and managed to get fairly tossed after two glasses of it. So much for the workout.

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